Other Ways to Give:
You can use our text-to-donate feature to set up recurring or one-time donations any time!
Throughout the year, we have two major events that are greatly enhanced by community partnerships: Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April and Java Jive (typically in August or September). In the months leading up to these events, we deeply appreciate securing support from businesses and foundations to ensure we are able to amplify these events and support our services for survivors.
Please contact development@thercc.org if you are interested in becoming an event sponsor! -
Thank you for considering a bequest to the Rape Crisis Center!
A bequest to the Rape Crisis Center means that you have the foresight to help the RCC continue our mission for years to come. Gifts vary in size and scope but all serve a common purpose: to positively impact the future success of the RCC and to ensure that survivors always have the support they need.
All it takes is a quick phone call to your attorney to add a charitable gift to your will! Often it is as easy as this sentence: “I bequeath $ _____ or _____ % of my estate to the Rape Crisis Center, 2801 Coho Street, #301, Madison, WI 53713.”
Need more information about us or about leaving a bequest? Contact our development office at development@thercc.org or (608) 251-5126.
And thank you for remembering the Rape Crisis Center in your will. -
If a donation of stocks better suits your giving goals for the year, here’s what you need to know:
Our Broker:
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc
Park Capital Management
Attn: Alyssa Thompson
1601 Greenway Cross Suite 201
Madison, WI 53713Our Account Name:
Rape Crisis Center Inc.Our Account #:
1992-3777Our DTC #:
0164Questions? DAFs work better for you? Contact our development office at development@thercc.org or (608) 251-5126.
And thank you for thinking of the Rape Crisis Center as part of your giving portfolio! -
RCC is a member of Community Shares of Wisconsin (CSW), which means you can donate to RCC through their workplace giving program. This hands-off system lets employees make tax-deductible donations to local charities through regular payroll deductions. Workplace giving is not only easy and efficient, it allows a company and its employees to work together to benefit the community.
CSW’s campaign is structured so that donors can direct all or part of their gifts to specific CSW member organizations (like RCC), and those organizations will receive 100% of those gifts. Click here for more information.